Pick Your Present Contest 2023

WCLC invites you to enter the Pick Your Present Contest 2023 at pickyourpresent.ca with a code for a chance to win a variety of high-end prize packages. Plus, you could instantly win a $50 prepaid credit cards that could add a little extra joy to your holiday shopping.

What Is Pick Your Present?

This Contest is being offered by Western Canada Lottery Corporation to all lottery lovers in Canada during the holiday season.

Before you can enter, you must register. Now through January 12, 2024, visit https://pickyourpresent.ca to complete the Registration page and click Submit. Then, enter your internet contest codes as directed to earn contest entries.

You will receive one Contest entry for every $1 ticket value entered for each valid Pick Your Present Contest code entered. So sign in or login each day for more chances to win.

What you need to know about this contest:

  • Who Can Enter : This Contest is open only to residents of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, who are 18 years of age or older.
  • When To Enter : The Contest ends on January 12, 2024.
  • Limit :  You can trade entries up to a maximum of 5 times a day.
  • Total ARV Of All Prizes : Text
  • Who Are The Winners : Pick Your Present Contest Winners will be randomly selected on or about January 19, 2024.

For all details, read the official rules.