W Network Outlander Contest 2023

Watch W Network on Mondays during new episodes of Outlander Season 7 for the Outlander Code Word Of The Week or simply come back here each week to write down the Outlander Contest Code Word.

If you want to participate into the W Network Outlander Contest, you will be able to find the Outlander Contest code word on this page so check back often.

What Is The Outlander Contest Code Word?

The Outlander Code Words for the Outlander Scotland Experience Contest are as follows:

Day Outlander Code Word Of The Week
November 25, 2024
December 2, 2024
December 9, 2024
December 16, 2024
December 23, 2024
December 30, 2024
January 6, 2024
January 13, 2024
January 20, 2024

Want to help us maintain this list? Leave a comment below with the Outlander Code Word of the week.


  1. My husband and I enjoyed watching outlander never missed an episode, but on season 7, we could not find word of the week.

  2. What was the word of the week for season 7 episode 1? We watched the entire show on W network but missed the word somehow🙁

  3. I looked intently for the code word. June 18

    And did not find it. I so want to enter the Wnetwork Outlander Contest.

  4. Did an advertisement banner hide the code word? I did not see it pop up. Rewatched and still no evidence of a code word.

  5. I love watching Outlander but have discovered that after watching the first episode of 2023 last night that in order to access the code word for this episode one must have a cell phone to scan for the code word. As I do not have a cell phone I am unable to enter. Am really disappointed as previously the code word showed on the screen but now those of us without cell phones are restricted from entering the contest. Feel really discriminated as I was so looking to participate in this win a chance to visit Scotland contest.

    • I watched it three times and couldn’t find the code word and I do have a cell phone and scanned the QR code but it didn’t give it either, the QR code just took you to the website to enter the contest!

    • You don’t need to scan the QR code to enter. You can Google Outlander contest and find the contest info on the W net work web site

  6. I watched the first episode three times through now and did not see the code word. Is it different from last season? Does it not come across the screen anymore?

  7. I didn’t get the code word either. I did scan with my phone but it only took me to the contest info and entry not the code word.

  8. I watched it twice and did not see a code word. I guessed and was wrong, I hope I can re enter. Thank you for posting it on the site.

  9. Very frustrating. I went through the show 4 times and didn’t see the word. Maybe the weekly words are in order on the contest site.

  10. I’m like the rest of you!
    I’ve watched it 4x now and still didn’t see a code word.
    I even put in Rewind each time the Ad came up to see IF the Code Word was just Before or just After the Ad but still didn’t see any Code Word.
    Now I’m putting in pause, then hitting FF so it’ll FF very Slowly so I can see IF there was indeed a Code Word, or IF 1 of “W” TV Networks Banners BLOCKED OUT the Code Word!?!
    And IF that’s the case, then come on “W” TV Network, DON’T play Banners when the Code Word is supposed to Appear!!

  11. Also, I’d like to say a BIG Thank You to those of you who did see the code word and posted it here for those of us who didn’t see it or who had the code word blocked out via network Ads…
    Thanks again!

  12. I didn’t see the code word either – it doesn’t look like I’m the only one. Am interested to hear if an advertisement banner blocked it?

  13. No code word… watched 3 times, must have been behind the advertising banner for stack tv, disappointing!!
    But great first episode 🥰

  14. We love this series! My husband is from Perth Scotland and he lost 2 sisters and a brother in law in the past 3 years and it would be awesome to see the rest of his Scottish family again!

  15. I dunno IF it’s just my phone or what, but…..
    It almost seems that the contest creators made this contest extremely Easy for us.
    When I click on the Code Words List for which Code Word to choose from, “so far” it appears that the List is going In Order as per Weekly Episode.
    Not sure IF this is an Error, or IF they actually just wanted to make the Outlander Contest Easy for us to Verify our Choice?!?
    However, I’m extremely Thankful, which ever it is…
    Now watch, next week the Code Word List will Not be in order.
    I took a screenshot bcuz I’m waiting to see IF 1 or more of the Code Words will start being placed out of order…lol
    Good Luck Everyone and Enjoy this amazing 7th Season of such a FUNtastic television series “Outlander”.
    It’s such a beautiful, intriguing story that I don’t ever want the seasons to end…..

  16. I can not find the code word for July 9! I have watched the episode 3 times but don’t see it. Can anyone tell me what’s going on?

  17. August 6 I had set up on PVR but it didn’t record and wasn’t being aired on the correct channels. Patiently waiting for new word



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